
My English Skill Ability

Learning English is not so great anymore so the era of sophisticated nowadays, English is now becoming a necessity to establish communication between the one and the other. I personally was very lacking in learning English, or my problem is I am still not able to speak and listen using the English language properly.

Building on their courses at the junior high school used to be, I can only read a little and understand what the intent of the content of the article being read. Not that I've been able to entirely, but a lot of vocabulary that still I do not understand and memorize.

I've joined English club subjected one extracurricular activity at my high school, and my problem is the same I was still not able to speak and hear the English language well, many say that frequently heard songs in English can help but I still have not tried until now because of my own less interested in the song.

What will you do after graduation?

I am Fajar Rahmana, I was college in one of private universities in indonesia has a name in one of their field.I have the ideal or purpose after i graduated from college next year. All students even everyone must have the goal each so that it makes competition become more difficult to get the purpose.Moreover, have ideals deeply in were interested in it by the students because having a bail good for the future, one of them is becoming a auditor.

Become an auditor for a student with a major in accounting is the highest ideals that most students want to achieve it. Not a few people put on the fast track to getting that job. I am personally very interested in this job, but that is preventing me to reach this is I have not mastered the course that I am living it.

Later a fiskus or called with a tax officer. There are some people who are less interested in these jobs because many of the unpleasant news that preach a fiskus do corruption, this makes the image of an ugly in the eyes of society become fiskus. I personally rate that is not his job was wrong but is the soul or faith that every human person is still less can be controlled so that it does not praise them. And I am ready to be a fiskus, God Willing, aamiin

Election in 2014

Every citizen has the right to nominate and be nominated for President of Republic Indonesia, including Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo. In an era of openness now, everyone can learn the track records of candidates right before using the voice of its leaders, including a track record studying Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo. This is where the importance of citizens to downright using reason and conscience exploit this openness of era to study the track record of any would-be leaders before using the right sound that will determine the future of the nation.

1) Prabowo - Hatta

In my opinion, the former leader is a figure that hard, in terms of having people in the military, got a good economic background. There may be a legal flaw involved in human rights violations, may it be an obstacle to him as President. But perhaps only a handful of people, only the elite know that Prabowo behind it all. About the track record of him in the kidnapping of activists and human rights violations that I noted. But if for a larger importance in my opinion it does nothing just forgettable. I think for Indonesia current conditions factor in the firmness of a leader who is indispensable.

2) Jokowi - JK

I think jokowi was a manager reliable.A manager who can communicate the purpose to be achieved to all his team, divide duty and authority, keep watch and most important can set an example.The image of themselves jokowi very different most, with officials of he seemed unpretending and innocent without having to lose without to lose a firmness and soul of his leadership.Jokowi also consistent show of support to community groups that during this marginal.